Diary of a Pug Series Set, Book 1-7 Review

Diary of a Pug Series Set, Book 1-7 Review


Diary of a Pug Series Set, Book 1-7 Review

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The ‘Diary of a Pug Series Set, Book 1-7’ is a delightful collection of books that has captured the hearts of many young readers. As a parent, I was thrilled to see the joy it brought to my child and wanted to share my experience with potential buyers.


  • Engaging Storylines: The stories are engaging and keep children entertained for hours. The adorable pug protagonist adds a unique charm to the narratives.
  • Educational Value: The books subtly incorporate valuable life lessons, making them not only entertaining but also educational.
  • Complete Set: Purchasing the complete set ensures that your child can immerse themselves in the entire series without having to wait for the next installment.
  • High-Quality Illustrations: The colorful and expressive illustrations complement the stories perfectly, enhancing the overall reading experience.


  • Repetitive Themes: Some readers may find that the themes and plotlines become slightly repetitive after reading multiple books in quick succession.
  • Age Group Specific: While the books are perfect for young readers, older children or adults may not find them as engaging.

Overall, the ‘Diary of a Pug Series Set, Book 1-7’ is a fantastic addition to any child’s bookshelf. The stories are heartwarming, the illustrations are captivating, and the educational value is commendable. It’s a wonderful gift for young readers and a great way to encourage a love for reading.

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