Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes review

Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes review


Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes review

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Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes is a powerful and uplifting collection of fiction that subverts mental health stereotypes. The anthology, published by Candlewick, features stories by sixteen exceptional authors who draw on their own lived experiences with mental health conditions to create stunning works of fiction. The stories cover a spectrum of mental health struggles, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, negative body image, gender dysphoria, and self-harm, among others.

The anthology’s diverse and compelling characters fearlessly delve into the raw, dark places in their minds and lives, showing readers that they’re not alone and that they can triumphantly make it to the other side, no matter their battles or circumstances. Each story is followed by a note from its author to the reader, and comprehensive back matter includes bios for the contributors as well as a collection of relevant resources.

The collection has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from readers. Many have expressed how the stories have helped them feel normal instead of like a freak, and have recommended the book to everyone. The anthology has been praised for its depth, its ability to address important life issues, and its success in smashing mental health stereotypes. Readers have also highlighted the book’s potential to generate important conversations, destigmatize mental health stereotypes, and show that life can be beautiful no matter the struggles.

One minor drawback mentioned by a reader is the absence of specific disorders in some stories, which they felt could have been included. However, this does not detract from the overall impact and importance of the anthology.

Overall, Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes is a spectacular anthology that provides valuable insights into the experiences of individuals dealing with mental health conditions. It is a bold and brave collection that has the potential to empower and uplift readers, break stereotypes, and foster empathy. Whether you have personally experienced mental health challenges or want to learn and relate more, this anthology is highly recommended.

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