Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov review

Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov review


Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov review

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Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov is a book that has sparked a lot of controversy due to its title, but it’s important to look beyond the provocative name and delve into the content. The book provides a unique perspective on why men are attracted to strong, independent women who stand up for themselves. It’s a dating guide that aims to help women understand the dynamics of relationships and how to maintain self-respect while relating to men.

One of the standout features of the book is its no-nonsense approach, offering real-life advice, relationship scenarios, and the author’s original “Attraction Principles.” These principles aim to empower women to know who they are, stand their ground, and relate to men on a whole new level. The book emphasizes the importance of confidence and self-respect, highlighting that men are more attracted to women who exude these qualities.

Many readers have found the book to be eye-opening, with numerous “aha” moments and realizations about their past behaviors in relationships. It addresses the common issue of women being too nice and the impact it has on their romantic relationships. By advocating for self-worth and independence, the book encourages women to set boundaries and not tolerate disrespect, ultimately leading to increased respect and admiration from men.


  • Empowering and thought-provoking content
  • Real-life advice and relatable scenarios
  • Encourages self-respect and confidence
  • Provides insights into the psychology of men


  • Some readers found certain principles to be contradictory
  • Parts of the book may not be suitable for married couples

While the book has received praise for its empowering and insightful content, some readers have pointed out potential drawbacks. There are instances of contradictory statements within the book, which can make it challenging to follow certain principles. Additionally, it’s worth noting that the advice may not be as relevant for married couples.

Overall, Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov offers valuable insights into the dynamics of romantic relationships and the importance of self-respect. It’s a compelling read for women who want to understand why men are attracted to certain qualities and how to navigate the complexities of dating and relationships.

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