The Wisdom of the Bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple review

The Wisdom of the Bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple review


The Wisdom of the Bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple review

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The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral McRaven is a compelling and insightful guide offering advice and leadership lessons gathered over four decades as a Navy SEAL. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, providing valuable insights for leaders at every level.

One of the standout features of this book is the way Admiral McRaven condenses his 40-year journey into 18 chapters filled with anecdotal snapshots, each punctuated by a memorable title serving as a leadership rule, followed by a concise summary. These rules transcend conventional wisdom, making the book particularly captivating for those dedicated to enhancing their leadership skills.


  • Engaging and clear writing style
  • Valuable and universally applicable lessons
  • Insightful anecdotes and real-life experiences
  • Condensed wisdom from 40 years of leadership


  • Some readers may desire more in-depth analysis

Admiral McRaven’s writing style is clear and direct, making the content engaging and the lessons imparted universally applicable. Whether in the workplace, community organization, or personal life, the wisdom offered in this book will help manage responsibilities and relationships with greater insight and understanding. The author’s previous book, Make Your Bed, had a profound impact on many, and The Wisdom of the Bullfrog continues this tradition.

Admiral McRaven has packed a wealth of wisdom in 200 pages based on his “life PhD” gained through a vast cargo of experiences and memories. This book is perfect for anyone looking to gain or refresh their directional guidelines on how to lead and act. It serves as a reminder that the basic principles and foundations of leadership will never change.

Every chapter shares clear, thought-provoking ideas learned over a lifetime of service-oriented leadership. The book is a quick and easy initial read, but with lots of depth to revisit. It is appropriate for anyone who expects more from life and is seeking a clear and concise guide to leadership.

Overall, The Wisdom of the Bullfrog is a must-read for those aspiring to positions of leadership, offering valuable insights and timeless wisdom from Admiral McRaven’s remarkable life and experiences.

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