Switchblade Pocket Comb – Folding Greaser Comb Review

Switchblade Pocket Comb – Folding Greaser Comb Review


Switchblade Pocket Comb – Folding Greaser Comb Review

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The Switchblade Pocket Comb – Folding Greaser Comb is a fun and nostalgic accessory that has garnered mixed reviews from customers. Let’s delve into the features, benefits, and drawbacks to provide valuable insights for potential buyers.


  • Each comb is made of metal and is well-constructed.
  • The package includes 12 combs, making it suitable for parties and events.
  • Some combs have a safety lock, while others may have issues with the spring blades.
  • The handle grip and comb are made of lightweight plastic, while the rest is malleable metal.


  • These combs are enjoyable for both kids and adults, adding a playful element to any occasion.
  • They are affordably priced, offering a great deal for a dozen combs.
  • Despite some minor issues, most combs work well and serve their purpose.
  • They are ideal for theater productions and themed events, enduring a fair amount of use.


  • Some combs may have quality issues, such as spring blades not functioning properly or safety locks being loose.
  • A few customers received opened boxes and non-functional combs, indicating potential packaging and quality control issues.
  • The lightweight plastic handle grip may not provide the sturdiness expected from a comb.

In conclusion, the Switchblade Pocket Comb – Folding Greaser Comb offers a nostalgic and entertaining experience, especially for themed events and parties. While there are some quality concerns, the majority of customers find them to be a great value for the price. If you’re seeking a lighthearted accessory for special occasions, these combs could be a fun addition.

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