Suburani – A Latin Reading Course Book 1 Review

Suburani – A Latin Reading Course Book 1 Review


Suburani – A Latin Reading Course Book 1 Review

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Suburani – A Latin Reading Course Book 1 is a captivating and educational resource for anyone interested in learning Latin. The book, published by Hands Up Education, offers an engaging narrative set in ancient Rome, making the learning process both enjoyable and immersive.

One of the standout features of this book is its unique approach to teaching Latin. The storyline, set in AD 64 Rome, follows the lives of characters in the Subura, providing a context for learning the language. This approach not only makes the learning experience more enjoyable but also helps in understanding the cultural and historical aspects of Latin.

Furthermore, the book’s language is accessible and suitable for readers aged 12 and up, making it an excellent resource for both young learners and adults. The paperback edition spans 304 pages and weighs 1.64 pounds, making it convenient for reading and carrying around.


  • Engaging storyline set in ancient Rome
  • Accessible language suitable for readers aged 12 and up
  • Immersive learning experience
  • Convenient paperback edition


  • May not be suitable for advanced Latin learners
  • Limited availability in public schools

One customer mentioned that the item is a school text to be used at home, highlighting the unfortunate lack of supply in public schools. Despite this, the book’s engaging content and educational value make it a worthwhile investment for anyone interested in Latin.

In conclusion, Suburani – A Latin Reading Course Book 1 is a valuable resource for learning Latin, offering an immersive and enjoyable experience for readers of all ages. Whether you’re a student, educator, or simply someone passionate about ancient languages, this book provides a unique and effective approach to mastering Latin.

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