Pedicure Smashed Crystal Jelly Foot Bath Set I & II (Lavender) Review

Pedicure Smashed Crystal Jelly Foot Bath Set I & II (Lavender) Review


Pedicure Smashed Crystal Jelly Foot Bath Set I & II (Lavender) Review

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The Pedicure Smashed Crystal Jelly Foot Bath Set I & II in Lavender is a delightful at-home spa experience. This product is designed to turn water into jelly for a unique and luxurious foot soak. The set includes two packs – Pack 1 turns water into jelly, and Pack 2 turns the jelly back into water. The product is manufactured by Dream MH Corp and weighs 4 ounces.

Customers have raved about the cost-effectiveness of this product compared to salon pedicures. One customer mentioned that salons charge $29 for a similar treatment, while they can achieve the same results at home for less than $5. Another customer expressed their delight in finding the product on Amazon for $5 after paying $30 for a spa pedicure. The set has been praised for providing a spa-like experience, with users noting that it feels just like the treatment offered at professional spas.

While the product has received high praise, some users found the instructions a bit challenging. Additionally, one user mentioned that the jelly kept expanding, leading to a messy cleanup. They advised against using it for clients but recommended it for personal use.

The Pedicure Smashed Crystal Jelly Foot Bath Set I & II in Lavender has received an impressive 4.5 out of 5 stars from 26 reviews. It is ranked #273,972 in Beauty & Personal Care and #153 in Foot & Hand Salts & Soaks on Amazon’s Best Sellers list.

In conclusion, this foot bath set offers a cost-effective way to enjoy a luxurious spa-like experience at home. It provides the same results as professional salon treatments at a fraction of the cost. However, users should be prepared for potentially challenging instructions and the possibility of the jelly expanding during use.

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