Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit Review

Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit Review


Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit Review

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The Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit is a comprehensive oral care system that includes a 4-ounce tube of activated charcoal whitening fluoride-free toothpaste, a 16-ounce bottle of activated charcoal extra freshening mouthwash, and two BPA-free toothbrushes with activated charcoal bristles. This toothpaste is formulated with activated charcoal, fresh mint, and coconut oil to naturally whiten, remove plaque, freshen breath, and taste awesome. The toothbrushes are designed with soft bristles and a comfy handle made from plant-based materials. The mouthwash is formulated with coconut oil, xylitol, and tea tree oil for a refreshing experience.

After analyzing customer feedback, it’s evident that the Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit has garnered positive reviews. Users have reported that the charcoal toothpaste has helped in keeping their mouths feeling clean and healthier, providing a fresher feeling and contributing to whiter teeth. The toothbrushes, although some found the handles less comfortable, were appreciated for their effectiveness with the toothpaste. The mouthwash received praise for its soothing and fresh taste, with some users finding it particularly beneficial in alleviating sore gums and throat discomfort.

One minor drawback mentioned by users is that the charcoal toothpaste tends to create a mess in the sink, requiring additional rinsing. Additionally, some users found the mouthwash to be strong and preferred using it in the morning rather than before bed.

In conclusion, the Hello Activated Charcoal Starter Kit offers a natural and effective oral care solution. The toothpaste and mouthwash provide a refreshing and clean feeling, with the added benefit of whitening properties. The toothbrushes, despite minor comfort issues, complement the toothpaste well. However, the potential mess in the sink and the strength of the mouthwash may be considerations for some users. Overall, this kit presents a compelling option for those seeking a charcoal-based oral care regimen.

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